Who seats at the left side of God?(谁坐在上帝的左边?)

《Mark》16:19 So then the Lord Jesus, after he had said these words to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God.
<A Psalm. Of David.> The Lord said to my lord, Be seated at my right hand, till I put all those who are against you under your feet.
David’s Lord Jesus seated on the right side of God, so who seated on the left side of God?

《马可福音》 16:19 主耶稣和他们说完了话,后来被接到天上,坐在 神的右边。 ”
《诗篇》 110:1 (大卫的诗)耶和华对我主说:“你坐在我的右边,等我使你仇敌作你的脚凳。”

《Psalms》16:8 I(David) have put the Lord before me at all times; because he is at my right hand, I will not be moved.
《Psalms》73:23 But still I am ever with you; you have taken me by my right hand.
《Psalms》73:234Your wisdom will be my guide, and later you will put me in a place of honour.
God is at David’s right hand and held David’s right hand, so David seated at the left hand of God. After his death, David was taken to heaven by God and sat on God’s left side.

《诗篇》 16:8 我将耶和华常摆在我面前,因他在我右边,我便不至摇动。
《诗篇》 73:23 然而我常与你(上帝)同在,你搀着我的右手。
《诗篇》 73:24 你要以你的训言引导我,以后必接我到荣耀里。

《Psalms》89:20 I have made discovery of David my servant; I have put my holy oil on his head.
《Psalms》89:26 He will say to me, You are my father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.
《Psalms》89:27 And I will make him the first of my sons, most high over the kings of the earth.
《Psalms》89:35 I have made an oath once by my holy name, that I will not be false to David.
David is the eldest son of God, David is also Bodhisattva Samantabhadra who is the eldest son of all Buddhas .

《诗篇》 89:20 我寻得我的仆人大卫,用我的圣膏膏他。
《诗篇》 89:26 他要称呼我说:‘你是我的父,是我的 神,是拯救我的磐石。’
《诗篇》 89:27 我也要立他为长子,为世上最高的君王。
《诗篇》 89:35 我一次指着自己的圣洁起誓,我决不向大卫说谎。
《希伯来书》 1:6 再者, 神使长子到世上来的时候(注:或作“ 神再使长子到世上来的时候”),就说:“神的使者都要拜他。”

《John》1:18 No man has seen God at any time; the only Son, who is on the breast of the Father, he has made clear what God is.
《Matthew》1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was in this way: when his mother Mary was going to be married to Joseph, before they came together the discovery was made that she was with child by the Holy Spirit.
《John》12:46 I have come as a light into the world, so that no one who has faith in me will go on living in the dark.
Jesus is the only son of the Holy Spirit and God, and he is also the White Emperor, Manjushri Bodhisattva. The so-called God’s only son is actually God, the only God.

《约翰福音》 1:18 从来没有人看见 神,只有在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来。
《马太福音》 1:18 耶稣基督降生的事记在下面:他母亲马利亚已经许配了约瑟,还没有迎娶,马利亚就从圣灵怀了孕。
《约翰福音》 12:46 我到世上来,乃是光,叫凡信我的,不住在黑暗里。

《 Psalms》23:6 Truly, blessing and mercy will be with me all the days of my life; and I will have a place in the house of the Lord all my days.
《 Psalms》52:8 But I am like a branching olive-tree in the house of God; I have put my faith in his mercy for ever and ever.
《 Zechariah》4:11 And I made answer and said to him, What are these two olive-trees on the right side of the light-support and on the left?
《 Zechariah》4:14 And he said, These are the two sons of oil, whose place is by the Lord of all the earth.
《Revelation》1:13 And in the middle of them one like a son of man, clothed with a robe down to his feet, and with a band of gold round his breasts.
《Revelation》11:3 And I will give orders to my two witnesses, and they will be prophets for a thousand, two hundred and sixty days, clothed with haircloth.
《Revelation》11:3 These are the two olive-trees and the two lights, which are before the Lord of the earth.
David is an olive tree, so he is the Green Emperor, and the lamp is the Lord Jesus (Manjushri Bodhisattva). A witness is a person who includes Jesus and David, and if a witness becomes a man and a woman, they become two witnesses.

《诗篇》 23:6 我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我,我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远!
《诗篇》 52:8 至于我(大卫),就像 神殿中的青橄榄树,我永永远远倚靠 神的慈爱!
《撒迦利亚》 4:11 我又问天使说:“这灯台左右的两棵橄榄树是什么意思?”
《撒迦利亚》 4:14 他说:“这是两个受膏者(基督),站在普天下主的旁边。”
《启示录》 1:13 灯台中间有一位好像人子,身穿长衣,直垂到脚,胸间束着金带。
《启示录》 11:3 我要使我那两个见证人,穿着毛衣,传道一千二百六十天。”
《启示录》 11:4 他们就是那两棵橄榄树,两个灯台,立在世界之主面前的。

《Isaiah》9:6 For to us a child has come, to us a son is given; and the government has been placed in his hands; and he has been named Wise Guide, Strong God, Father forever, Prince of Peace.
《Isaiah》9:7 Of the increase of his rule and of peace there will be no end, on the seat of David, and in his kingdom; to make it strong, supporting it with wise decision and righteousness, now and for ever. By the fixed purpose of the Lord of armies this will be done.
《Isaiah》16:5 Then a king’s seat will be based on mercy, and one will be seated on it in the tent of David for ever; judging uprightly, and quick to do righteousness.
《Zechariah》12:8 In that day the Lord will be a cover over the people of Jerusalem; and he who is feeble among them in that day will be as strong as David, and the family of David will be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them..
《Isaiah》22:22 And I will give the key of the family of David into his care; and what he keeps open will be shut by no one, and what he keeps shut no one will make open.
《Revelation》3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia say: These things says he who is holy, he who is true, he who has the key of David, opening the door so that it may be shut by no one, and shutting it so that it may be open to no one.
《Revelation》19:11 And the heaven was open; and I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it was named Certain and True; and he is judging and making war in righteousness.
The family of David is the family of God, the family of angels,. David’s key is the Holy Spirit which can open and shut the door of heaven, while David is the white horse on which Jesus sat. David is the Wind Angel that God rides on.

《以赛亚书》 9:6 因有一婴孩为我们而生,有一子赐给我们,政权必担在他的肩头上。他名称为“奇妙策士”、“全能的 神”、“永在的父”、“和平的君”!
《以赛亚书》 9:7 他的政权与平安必加增无穷。他必在大卫的宝座上治理他的国,以公平公义使国坚定稳固,从今直到永远。万军之耶和华的热心必成就这事。
《以赛亚书》 16:5 必有宝座因慈爱坚立,必有一位诚诚实实坐在其上,在大卫帐幕中施行审判,寻求公平,速行公义。
《撒迦利亚》 12:8 那日,耶和华必保护耶路撒冷的居民。他们中间软弱的必如大卫;大卫的家必如 神,如行在他们前面之耶和华的使者。
《以赛亚书》 22:22 我必将大卫家的钥匙放在他肩头上,他开,无人能关;他关,无人能开。
《启示录》 3:7 你要写信给非拉铁非教会的使者说:‘那圣洁、真实,拿着大卫的钥匙,开了就没有人能关,关了就没有人能开的,说:
《启示录》 19:11 我观看,见天开了。有一匹白马,骑在马上的称为诚信真实,他审判、争战都按着公义。


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